My Halloween wall of ART was so easy and inexpensive and turned out so very CUTE! The paper I found at my local Scrapbooking store, defiantly made this Halloween wall art SUPER DUPER cute. I think my favorite one is the first one. How about you? I have been loving getting ready for this fun and spooky holiday. Defiantly one of my favorite times to decorate and make things.

I'm going to tell you all how to make this for yourself!! :) The first thing you will need is 3 wooden frames. I bought mine at Michaels Arts and Crafts store. Some other things you will need for this project if you don't already have it in your stash is
- Black paint
- Sponge brushes
- Modge podge
- Embellishments
- Scrapbook paper.
To get started you will need to trace your frame on the scrapbook paper. After that your going to paint the edge of your frame and the inside of it. After the paint has dried cover your frame with modge podge and place the cut out paper on it. Then comes the last and easiest part decorating your frames with your Halloween embellishments.
LOVE the row of tiny WITCH HATS!!
Black Cat Academy! SPOOKY :)

I love the EYE of NEWT!!
I would love to see your Halloween Wall of Art if you decide to make one. I hope everyone has a fun and spooky Halloween!!