We have had a fun and busy summer over here! My cute guy turned 3 this summer. My fabulous mom and I put together this fun Toy Story party for my guy. The party guest's had fun playing carnival games such as; Galaxy Bowling, Snake in my boot, Potato Sack race, Pin the face on Mr. Potato Head, and Bean bag toss game. After the kids finished playing the carnival games they turned in their tickets for prizes from their favorite Toy Story Characters, from Al's Toy Barn. Then we all enjoyed some delicious food from Pizza Planet. To wrap things up we had some delicious Toy Story cake. It sure was a fun party!!

Cowboy Boot mugs!
Luke's Toy Story Birthday Cake
Toy Story Army Troopers Cupcake's
Rocket bags to hold their prizes from the carnival games.
Potato Sack Race
Woody and Jessy Hats, badges and Scarf's for Luke's party guests
Gift table
Centerpieces for the food table's
Mr. Potato Head's Bean bag toss
Galaxy Bowling
Prize table from Al's Toy Barn
Dinosaurs from Rex
Eye Glasses from Mr. Potato Head
Space Stencils from Infinity and Beyond
Lips from Mrs. Potato Head
Slinky Dog's from Slinky Dog
Pork Bellies from Ham
Para Troopers
Zurg's Lazor guns
Luke's Party Guest's
Pin the face on Mr. Potato Head "Look I'm Picasso!" hahaha! You know from Mr. Potato Head in Toy Story 1
Luke wanted to be Buzz and Woody. LOL!
"There's a Snake in my boot!" Game
Enjoying beverages in Cowboy boots, Pizza from Pizza Planet, fruit rocket ships, veggie's in a cup, and Al's Cheese Puffs.
Birthday Boy!
Potato Sack Race!
All of the inspiration for my guys party came from Pixar Planet, Catch My Party, and Mom Planning Parties